Ha! Turns out the mystery about the blobs was solved right around when this article was published. Biologist Chris Kozak figured out the blobs are an industrial glue or a synthetic plastic polymer, made of a mixture of synthetic latex rubber and polyvinyl acetate (PVA). So, definitely human made.
The Come By Chance refinery is producing fuel from food waste, vegetable oils and animal fats with far less negative environmental impacts then conventional petroleum-based fuels. They began production less than a year ago and even the most worthwhile new technology will have some glitches to work out. Though I can't speak for anyone there, I would rather step on a blob of hardened bacon fat than in a puddle of gasoline.
Ha! Turns out the mystery about the blobs was solved right around when this article was published. Biologist Chris Kozak figured out the blobs are an industrial glue or a synthetic plastic polymer, made of a mixture of synthetic latex rubber and polyvinyl acetate (PVA). So, definitely human made.
The Come By Chance refinery is producing fuel from food waste, vegetable oils and animal fats with far less negative environmental impacts then conventional petroleum-based fuels. They began production less than a year ago and even the most worthwhile new technology will have some glitches to work out. Though I can't speak for anyone there, I would rather step on a blob of hardened bacon fat than in a puddle of gasoline.