Life’s a Curious Adventure, Let’s Explore it Together

A Moment of Play

Life is hard, complicated, and stressful. We have enough dragging us down. Sometimes though, a few in-between moments of play and imagination can create ripple effects that radically change our lives for the better, and I hope to provide that moment for you.

The entire purpose of the Curious Adventure and Curious Life newsletters is for you to enjoy a few minutes, once or twice a week, to pause your turbulent mind. Allow yourself a moment of play and learn something interesting about this curious adventure we call Life.

Free Option

Curious Adventure is a free newsletter delivered to your inbox every Friday at 8:00 a.m. PST. Each topic is discussed through the lens of curiosity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence.

The free Curious Adventure newsletter is the perfect option for humans on the go with little time to consume lengthy material. It provides a taste of ponderings to consider throughout your weekend.

Paid Subscription Option

Curious Life is a paid newsletter with an option to subscribe either on a monthly or annual basis. The subscription fee helps me pay my bills so I can continue doing what I love —  following my curiosities and sharing them with you.

Curious Life newsletter is for humans who enjoy deeper dives. This option continues the discussions started in Curious Adventure and tumbles further down the rabbit hole.

Curious Life is delivered to your inbox every Monday, also at 8:00 a.m. PST, because we all need a little pick-me-up on Mondays.

As a subscriber, you also have access to the archive of both newsletters and commenting privileges, so you can tumble down as many rabbit holes as you’d like—anytime, 24/7.

Bonus Option:

Do you have a curiosity but haven’t had the time or attention span to investigate it? I’ll do it for you, and then I’ll publish a newsletter all about it with a shoutout to you. Just head to my Ko-Fi page and request a Commission. As long as your request is respectful and appropriate, I always enjoy hearing what you’re interested in.

No Alternative Motives

Regardless of which option you choose, you don’t have to worry about being spammed with deals or promotions. You get enough of that, I’m sure. I value and appreciate you, which means Fridays and/or Mondays are the only days you’ll find me in your inbox unless we’re in direct communication. Honesty means everything to me, and so does your trust.

However, since I am attempting to make a living through my craft, I will include links within my newsletters (when relevant) to published articles I’ve written or my Ko-Fi page, both of which I receive some of my income.

Want more? You can find more of my articles on Medium!

That’s All, Folks

Thank you for reading through my spiel; I know you’re awfully busy. Now the choice is yours. If this isn’t your jam, then no worries at all. I wish you well on this curious adventure we call Life.

However, if you know someone else who you think can benefit too, then let’s expand this party! Either share an article you think they’d like and they can decide, or gift them a subscription and make it a surprise.

Refer a friend

But if this does sound like something you’d enjoy, then I’d be thrilled for you to join!! Click the subscribe button below and choose an option.

I know… decisions, decisions…. I can’t wait to see what you decide.

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Learning about this Curious Adventure we call Life. I wonder about humanity, questions with no answers, and new discoveries. Then I write about them.