Learning About This Curious Adventure We Call Life


Until I started Curious Adventure in 2021, I assumed we’d learned everything we needed to know about the world and Life. That scientists like Albert Einstein and Galileo Galilei had already made all of the big, monumental, life-changing, history-altering discoveries.

But I was wrong.

Modern technological advancements allow scientists to explore some of humanity’s most enduring questions and discover more than we ever dreamed possible about this Curious Adventure we call Life.

I spend hours, sometimes days, researching scientific studies, academic papers, and news releases. Then, I share what I learn by breaking it down and writing about it through the lens of curiosity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence.

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No Alternative Motives

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I value and appreciate you, so unless we're in direct communication, you’ll only find me in your inbox on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays.

I know… decisions, decisions…

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Learning about this Curious Adventure we call Life. I wonder about humanity, questions with no answers, and new discoveries. Then, I research and write about what I learned to share with you.